I AM BLOWN AWAY. This is gonna sound crazy, but I am actually out of breath from thrill and anxiety and excitement and just sheer amazement with the stuff I am reading online. There’s just SO many beautiful things one can make, and what’s even crazier is that I feel like I can get actually get into this. God knows if this is just overconfidence speaking, but I want
want WANT to run to the nearest book/craft store to buy myself all the material I can find to conjure any (if not ALL) of these delightfully mouth-watering pieces!

Beautiful stuff that are easy to make. Practical. Simple. But gorgeous.
I LOVE!!!!!!!This is just a few of it so can you imagine my inspiration overload????
Argh!!!!! Hihimatayin na yata ako!PS if you find any of the above stuff in or on your gift bag this Christmas (or on your birthday), my apologies for pre-empting...Well, at least you know it’s
a labor of love ;-)