Thursday, October 15, 2009

An exercise on spotting opportunities*

This article was written for business owners, to help them find opportunities amidst day to day operations. But since opportunity-spotting should not be limited to employers alone, how about we all try this out for ourselves, too? To see if we can find new or better ways of doing things. Who knows what change it can bring about in our lives. :)

Try this for one day.  Pull out a sheet of paper and create three columns.  Call the first column “What happened.”  Call the second column “What it means.”  Call the third column “What else can I create out of this?” 

See how many times you’ve limited your opportunities by coming to a conclusion way too soon about what it means to you, your customers and your business.  More importantly, see how many new and interesting options and strategies you’ve come up with by simply taking the time to think it through.

Remind yourself that YOU are creating your future.  Take the time to recognize what happened and what you made it mean.  Then get to work on creating more profitable and powerful opportunities for your business.

*Sheesh, this title is so GoNegosyo. But what the heck.