Specifically, the exposed cliffs, the wind in my ear, the crisp coldness on my fingers, the thumping of my heart, the delicate balance of push and pull as I move from one hold to the next.
I love how Jeff Jackson described it.....
...we continue to climb not because we’re scared, but because the sport provides an experience of energized focus and full involvement. When you’re in the zone you feel spontaneous joy. Rapture washes your mind and doubt, anxiety and depression are banished. In a word, climbing is a perfect way to access what the Hungarian psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihaly termed “flow.”
Heart surgeons, improvisational musicians, Formula One racecar drivers and climbers all report experiences of flow. According to Csikszentmihaly, flow is induced by activities with clear goals—that require a high degree of concentration, balance ability and challenge, and provide a sense of control...
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nice :)