Saturday, February 6, 2010

why i love being at home

this is just one of the reasons: 
bottomless guinumis

guinumis (gee-nu-mis) is a mixture of crushed ice, sago and/or gulaman, pinipig, coconut milk, and sugar. the ingredients are simple enough, but the effect of the mixture makes for a perfectly refreshing dessert or merienda. if you're a gata lover, naku, this will bring you to heaven :-D 

personally, aside from the coconut milk flavor, what i love about guinumis is its wonderful mix of textures, what with the crushed ice (that eventually becomes water, so two-fold pa ang mouthfeel!), the crispy pinipig, and the chewy gelatine. then depending on your taste, you can pour in your preferred amount of gata and syrup, for that perfectly personal concoction.

my mom started "experimenting" on its preparation last year, and we (our family) have been hooked on mixing, serving, and devouring it ever since!

our modest ice shaver

first in: shaved ice in the bowl

gulaman, made using Megaliciois Mr. Gulaman jelly powder mix (who warns consumers to "beware of FAKE imitation")


coconut cream in tetra, as alternative to fresh coconut milk that spoils very easily

coco syrup, made by melting coconut sugar in hot water

the mixture

now ready to eat!!!!

i had two bowls for dessert ;-)