In the meantime, I will have to keep myself motivated with these photos. Not that it's difficult to be inspired by these girls -- quite the opposite, in fact -- not only because of the lovely poses they can do, but because of what they've gone through individually in their own practices to get to where they are now.
My fellow climber and ashtanga teacher KQ in her firefly pose. Lower photo taken at one of the studios where she teaches, Yogiyoga Greenhills ( |
Another fellow climber turned yogi. Isla is with Certified Calm Store and teaches private yoga classes when not taking care of her favorite niece. |
You can check out both ladies' Instagram accounts if you want to see just how far you can push yourself if you put your mind, body and heart into it. :)
Hmmm...I wonder of getting a funky attire, body tats, and my own Instagram account will help improve my practice? Haha!